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tv   Washington Journal  CSPAN  April 16, 2013 7:00am-10:00am EDT

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>> coming up sour we will get the latest on the boston marathon bombings. about the attacks and the prospects of immigration legislation. then the republican congressmen on entitlements spending. more on the boston bombing's later. we'll take your calls, e-mail's, and tweets. not know who did this or why and people should not jump to conclusions before we have all of the facts. make no mistake, we will get to the bottom of this and we'll find out who did this, we'll find out why they did this. individuals and responsible groups will feel the full weight of justice.
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after president obama mitt of commons on monday nights in white house official told reporters that the boston bombing appears to be an act of terror and will be treated as such. on flag is at half staff capitol hill today. for thosef silence victims of the boston explosion. we will begin their with what you thought happened when three were killed and hundreds injured at the boston marathon is today. -- boston marathon yesterday. et asan send as a twe well. comments onr foo with "the boston globe."
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the front page of "the usa today," with their take on what happened, this is what the reporters had to say --
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that is " usa today," this morning. also this morning, inside "the baltimore sun," reporting this --
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they're all in st. louis, missouri. you are up first. my thoughts are this is horrendous. it takes me back to iraq. bombswe have been in iraq have been going off every day.
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people have been killed, women and children. not a peep out of the american people. this goes on and all a sudden it is war. we have to understand that what we're doing to people is going toand iraq soon or later come back to us in america. i think it is horrendous. i do not condone it. i think it goes back to our insane for policy. not a peep out of the american people with all of the people being slaughtered in iraq. at least these bombs don't have depleted uranium in them. of "the newpage york times" this morning --
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that " in most if not all the papers this morning from one white house official. telling reporters that -- many of the headlines this morning with that act of terror, in quotes, coming up from the white house official remarkably "the new york times" this morning.
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we are getting your take on this this morning. also from "fox news" this morning -- hear from homeland security secretary janet napolitano, her statement on the boston bombings --
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that is the homeland security secretary. of senate marked a moment silence is today in their chamber. house speaker john boehner marked a moment of silence as well. we are going to show you this picture -- here is the president getting briefed yesterday by the fbi director at the white house about what had happened. in annapolis, a republican caller, go ahead. response am calling in to the call blaming everything on iraq.
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i came to america in 1975. i was surprised at how little americans knew about national terrorism until september 11. iraq was in response to creeping terrorism for many years before september 11, 2001. this is going to keep going if -- not blaming things on on the root cause but on terrorism. terrorism has been going on for many years before iraq. i rack was our response to terrorism. -- iraq was our response to terrorism. host: what you think of this opinion in "usa today" this --ning, the right to this they write this --
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caller: i agree. because of america being made up of immigrants, it is easy to say it is home grown. they are from outside coming in. they have been coming in. that is my concern, we are not watching from the inside out. you think this is a foreigner attack? evenr: they may have gotten a citizenship because i went through that process.
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when i went to the baltimore court to swear allegiance to america, which i took very seriously, there were a lot of foreigners in there that just did not belong and should not have come with it should not have become american citizens. -- should notot have become american citizens. of what is going on. most americans aren't. they are getting news that isn't in forming. they are listening to radio stations that don't keep them informed. everything is trying to be covered up. aware and keepbe their eyes open. see something, say something. we have to do this together from the inside. i understand it is a horrible mess but i am past very
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emotional, as you can tell. host: what should be done? caller: continue with our war on terror. it is a global situation. i do trust the army and worry about them. they tend to be introspective instead of looking for the outside. on our facebook page -- tom in utah, what are your
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thoughts? caller: i think it's very very sad that we say we are fighting a war on terror. the first thing you do in a combat situation is secure your orders. our government likes to send our kids to die for the war on terror it believed the war -- yet they leave the borders open. they come across wide open borders. our government has the ipad -- has yet the city to send as overseas to die -- has the audacity to send us overseas to die. sad that americans do not wake up to reality. host: on twitter --
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david in madison heights, michigan. caller: i think it's terrible with all the technology we have that they couldn't make a sweep of this area. they said they had bomb-sniffing dogs. job.nk it is an inside republicans can get over that nine of what happened on their watch. it will do anything to try to read it host: you are blaming this on the republican party? .aller: no i would imagine that some people
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in the republican party -- host: what evidence? caller: i do not have evidence but i have the evidence of previous things they did. they try to make benghazi into another 9/11. they will do anything in their power to make another 9/11 in president obama's watch. host: from the wall street journal this morning, this is what the report -- mitt am a little bit in the papers.
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times." "the new york writes this -- the is from mike mccall, chairman of homeland security. was quoted as saying --
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also from the papers this morning, -- also from "usa today," more about the bomb --
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clay in cape cod, massachusetts, go ahead -- concernedam quite about what happened, obviously. i have to tell you -- yesterday was patriots did. people forget that when patriot act was passed -- they do not understand what the anagram that. tools to appropriate
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intercept and obstruct terrorism. going back to the operation gladiola days where we had said -- we hadention strategy attention to bring in legislation. we do not know who is exactly behind the bombing. the fact is they have these one or two bombs. ida's want americans to be worried about who benefits of
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this tragedy. phone isning us on the congressman mike from massachusetts. thank you for joining us. give us your reaction, when did you hear the news, how did you hear it? guest: unlike everyone else i had already returned to dc, i just got off the plane and heard the news like everyone else. host: 20 learning this morning? what can you tell us? caller: not too much. rumors are rampant at all of this times. i actually always find it best to just let the law enforcement officials do their job first. they did not need have rumors or innuendoes thrown around by public officials like me. that does not help the situation.
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host: what are you doing today? what will guest: your agenda my dad will be tried to stay on top of this as best as possible so they can pass information to others. today's the second most important day for those law enforcement people to do their investigation. they have to get this done as quickly as possible as evidence is available. god forbid if anyone is responsible and thinking about doing this again, before they strike again. host: is that a possibility? guest: you never know. those of the kind of things i like to stay away from. something you can do something like this is certainly an evil and crazy person. you never know what is on the mind of people. they almost always turn out to be, by any normal in definition of the term, insane. you cannot understand what would drive someone to kill innocent people. violence is a part of life,
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people lash out at people who are part of what they see as depression. these are families waiting at finish line of a long member read along at marathon. these are people who had nothing to do with any problems in the world. they were simply they're celebrating their own family's achievements. it is incomprehensible that anyone would do this. host: was security adequate? guest: it is like anything else. cable pull the spot to make sure that everything was done. i can tell the security to the normal untrained eye was pretty significant. you just cannot shut down life for these things. the boston marathon is a long tradition. it is an open public area, it is not like an agreement where you go and have your backpack checked. the close-up street pretty well. -- it closed up the street
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pretty well. i am not one to judge whether it was -- i am sure the people who are professionally trained will review the actions and see if there are any holes or it can be tightened. live under a rock in this society. i think we will prove it again. you do the best it can within reason and at the same time if we try to change it to dramatically the terrorists will win. that is what the what it wants to drive as inside. they want to drive us away from the normal costs. we cannot let that happen. host: do you have any initial thoughts on how security might be improved? guest: i do not. host: who were you talking to keep on top of this is today? guest: people who were
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overseeing the investigation, i am not want to drive them crazy. the last thing they have to do is inform me of their every move. the people in my office are very well connected to people on the community. friends were there and friends of friends. that is what happens. we learned of some of the people that might have been injured, it is unconfirmed the moment but it is pretty clear. i cannot imagine the information i have is wrong. we try to reach out to those families and latino we need to help them if we can. host: have you heard from the president directly? guest: i have not. host: do you anticipate you will? guest: i would be more interested in hearing from the boston chief of police or the local fbi director than the president. i have no doubt he is doing the same thing i intend to do, stay out the way and the professionals do their job. we'll get on top of it what we actually know something. to me that is the most important than the best i can do. host: do you have any
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information you could tell us of possible suspects? guest: i do not. i believe the police chief said it right when he said there are no suspects of the moment. there are people of interest and will be talking to an awful lot people, as they rightfully should and will. that will happen soon enough. really do have a lot of faith with the law enforcement community will find the people that did this. i really do. i think they have everyone's best interest in mind. they have to be just as hurt and angry as the rest of us. with all of the professionalism and technical capabilities that have been rising in the last several years, i have no doubt whatsoever. ort: what we told by friends staff? was it like for people who are next to these explosions? alwaysfirst reaction as
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, was a gas explosion or whatever. realization that people were hurt -- what you do about it? it is as anyone would expect. your adrenalin gets going. people to what they have to do. it is kind of amazing. if you watch all of those videos at think it is amazing how many paul will run toward the incident and the people try to get away. the finish line was within sight. their mindset has been for 26 miles to get across that line. take a look at just -- at not only the police and firefighters to the paramedics. peoples a huge tent for who were injured or under stress at 26 miles. it is amazing how many of them
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ran immediately to the scene. i think it speaks well of humanity. host: real quickly, what is the boston marathon mean to the city? guest: it is an icon. those of us who grew up there, we sometimes lament how it has become an international thing. we liked it when it was a list of the smaller and a little bit more local. it is today a celebration. there is this big facebook in that goes on. at the end of the marathon there are a lot of fence. it sort of like a celebration of a lot of things. it is a state holiday in massachusetts, patriot's day. it is celebrating being an american, being a patriot. having the courage and ability to stand up against tyranny across the country. i know that sounds a little naive and sappy but that is the truth. we take it kind seriously. the whole community steps out
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and enjoys a day. it is the beginning of spring. it is just something to the whole community embraces. the marathon is the centerpiece but it is not the only thing going on. there is no doubt in my mind the marathon will continue. it will probably be bigger next to that has ever been. i think that is the way americans are. americans are not going to be pushed around and they are not could be terrorized into submission. capuano, thank you very much for spending time with us this morning. the front page of "the baltimore sun" has this headline read it -- has this headline -- we want to hear from you. we'll go to terry in canton,
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north carolina, a republican column. good morning. go ahead with your comment. ourer: i think it is taking eye of the ball. have we forgot 9/11? there is a lot of bad people in this world. one other thing, the gentleman called in about the radicals. let us not forget it was "occupy wall street" before the election. they were throwing bricks and chant ofcars with ta "viva revolution."
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let's look at both sides. host: the sun twitter -- -- this on twitter -- steve from savannah, georgia. caller: i am calling in because i am not only outraged at what happened but your first caller, she spoke with a nice british accents telling people how she was so patriotic when she took her oath of office in this country and people she looked around the room and she was the only one who belong here and so forth. basically saying that people who did not look like her did not belong here. -- this isis citizen a british citizen. if any citizen of that country
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immigrates to britain, people like curt treat them as if they do not belong there. britain colonizes those countries. about howing patriotic -- basically trying to tell people in this country that they should exclude certain people. because she is accepted hear other people do not belong here. i was really offended by her comments because i took an oath in this country twice, one to become a citizen the second to serve this country and military. i am highly offended when i hear people like her talk. she is accepted here based on her skin complexion or whatever. the blame game is already going out. we're having an ongoing
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conversation about gun rights in this country. is it possible just like oklahoma that this is right- wing group? or is it people like her who comes here entrust put the blame on of the people who do not look like what she does? that was very offensive. boston, a go to democratic caller. were you there this today? not a democratic, and i was not there. was just hearing about that gentleman who was throwing it on the republicans. we should not be planning anything on anybody until we know exactly what happened. to me it almost looked like what we had seen in 2001 only in a
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smaller version. host: why do you say that? caller: when the first bomb went off andy they were hoping it was something under the ground. the second one went off then and bombd, "no way, this is a ." for people saying it might be this party or that party, they should sit back and think about the little boy from rochester who died. host: are you referring to the eight-year old who was killed. caller: that little baby who is gone. they should be thinking of things like that and not trying to put blame on anybody until we exactly know what happened. host: "the washington post
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reports this this morning --
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that in "washington post" this morning. here is another article. michigan,o jesse in
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democratic caller. go ahead surprisedhat i was about was [indiscernible] why would they put that out so quick. we have no idea who was behind it. i am quite informed on everything. this government -- [indiscernible]
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i was born during that time. there was a time when the great s roosevelt and harry truman, -- peters on the air now, a democratic column. caller: i do not know what i missed because i just turned it it could bes saying a white supremacist group. if i remember right one time they scooped up a white suprem
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ist. the first caller, blaming it on the people who did not look like stolen.s country was you know what i am trying to say. host: what is your evidence of that? caller: of what? host: of a white supremacist group. caller: i am just saying it could be. they always try to put it on muslims or somebody else. i am not a racist or anything but i am just saying that that is the way -- host: you have to turn the television down when we are talking. "the bostonted by globe," --
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here is the first page this morning -- you some other ones courtesy of the museum. the state newspaper in south carolina -- in-line and "the houston chronicle," -- roger from st. petersburg, florida. good morning. just listened to a couple of people calling and blaming the republican party and this, that, the other. it seems incredulous to me that in and claim call
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a party. i do not think the democratic party, the independent party, the republican party, and the public party -- any public party support or endorse this kind of behavior. we have crazies of from this country that do crazy things. we have radicals. school shootings. we have domestic terrorists. in and blame call a party, they are not any brighter than the people setting these bombs off. these are not party actions. these are crazy individuals doing this stuff. whether they be for a terrorist they be-- whether foreign terrorists or american terrorists, we should not be blaming anyone yet. i guarantee you there are crazy radicals in all parties.
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we're looking at a few pictures from "the usa today." pictures and many articles throw up the papers, documenting and reporting on what happened yesterday in boston. we are getting your thoughts on this as well. we will continue to the top of the hour this morning. in other news, let me show you the front page of "the washington times," --
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this deal on background checks, andtogether by pat toomey mark kirk, was put on the floor yesterday in the senate. you can go to our species and the video library -- are c-span video library. they should be having a vote on it. let me turn to immigration. katharine justices joining us on the phone. he is the campaign staff writer with "the helm" newspaper. that is talk about the release of the gang of eight in the -- expected to release their proposal on the immigration legislation today. what is the plan after what
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happened in boston yesterday? now andthe bill is out the big question is what the going to have the press conference? probably not going to happen today. they have a big group of folks from the left to the right, some of the major -- major hitters on both sides of the issue. folks are supposed to be in one room today. they are looking at rescheduling it. it is not one that happened today. the plan is tow look at this and have hearings on friday and monday. think everybody is stammering
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a bit in congress and in washington in general as well -- as far as with the tightest and to be. -- what the tide is going to be. what be interesting to see happens going forward. host: what we know about what is in this proposal? caller: the bill is similar to what they tried to do about six years ago. it is a little bit more beef up on the border parts. there are a couple of aspects. those who are here as undocumented illegal immigrants would be allowed to say and eventually be given a pat to citizenship. they have a very specific criteria. it is not an easy path. it would take more than a decade. marker rubio, who is a leading beservative, said it would easier for them to go home. that is one of the big proposals. the other one is for control -- is border control.
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they talk more about guns on the border. there is certain criteria you have to hit before talking about -- that is a big part of that. we're looking at about 90% apprehension rate along the border. there are also reforms to other programs. there would be more high school workers allowed in. low-skilled workers, especially in agriculture, it becomes a lot easier for them to come in. and then you have regulatory work except do that. there is a lot of very complicated moving parts here. everything has been roughly agreed on by a broad swath of parson people in the senate. the of the question is when you open up -- when you open up the entire senate and the members of whether the coalition
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.an hold together host: katharine joseph, thank you for your time and the update on immigration legislation as the bill sponsored by the so- called gang of eight in the senate has been decided to postpone. hearing is set for friday. back to your phone calls, getting your thoughts this morning on what happened in boston yesterday when two explosions were ignited near the finish line of the boston marathon. built in new jersey, a democratic caller, hello. caller: i just wanted to say i believe is a case of domestic terrorism. if this was a case of foreign terrorism this would have been
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much bigger than what it was. i feel sorry for everyone who was injured and the people who -- iin this horrible believe this is domestic terrorism. believe it is foreign terrorism. it would have been much worse. andou look at 9/11 different things that have happened in the u.s. by foreign actors -- this would have been much bigger than it was. host: john mccain that we in this out -- -- tweaking this out -- we will go to nancy in illinois, hello. disappointed with
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some of my fellow americans on a day where we should come together. democrats or republicans -- as americans. for callers to bring up the kkk, this could have been whit supremists, iti s just outrageous. we are americans today. host: a couple of tweets from harry reid -- charles from daytona beach florida, a democratic caller. it is ridiculous to be putting the blame on white
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supremacists, muslims, or whatever else. cowardice an act of and i would like to say if the person or persons involved with thishave -- involved with are hearing this, they are cowards. we should not blame anybody until the fbi or cia or anyone else is involved with this figure it out. they will. to the guns return control debate. and o'keefe has been reporting on the vote count. he writes as of last night that they are looking for votes in the 16 republicans who voted with democrats to proceed the debate last week. the nine senate republicans who voted to proceed and now plan to vote no on the mansion-to me the
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n-endment -- on the manchi toomy amendment. to vote yes -- this from "the new york daily news." you see in the corner senators
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who could be key to passing the background check deal -- that is happening in the senate this week. tune in to c-span2 for the debate on gun control. walter is calling in. hello. caller: good morning. i have been watching the gun- control debate and everything else on here. i am retired of watching them go through these gun-control bills and everything else. we do need gun control. i do agree with this. the thing about it is we have 35 million people still out of jobs who are underemployed. we are looking at the wrong things. host: joseph from kentucky, a democratic column, we are talking about what happened in boston yesterday. what are your thoughts? caller: i am curious why they
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think it is a saudi that is behind this. we have been sending them so much money. why did these people in the middle east tried to keep doing this? we are sending money to places like israel when we needed here at home. i say keep our money at home and let people fend for themselves. in other news, here is "the baltimore sun" this morning --
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next to that is the headline -- that in the papers. obama,t lady, michelle in maryland today. she will be present as government -- as gov. martin o'malley signed into law that grants full employment act of 2013. you have made a heard the pulitzer prize winners have been
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announced. that story, if you are interested. some other stories as to get your comments on what happened in boston yet today. gene from texas, hello. caller: i just wanted to add that i think what we saw in inton and our experiences 9/11 and the trauma that everyone is experiencing as a is, for many of us, a first-time experience. we have multiple soldiers who are coming home from afghanistan and iraq.
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they are suffering terrible pst. -- ptsd. we do not have enough resources to care for them. i frankly think united states has cut ourselves wait too thin in order to make sure that our own security at home is adequate enough. to care for those who have come seenfrom the war, who have incidents like boston probably 500 times before they come home -- these people are tremendously traumatized. of us have no place to go. is furry little in the way of health.
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they cannot get their disability because of a backlog. host: we talked about that yesterday. if you are interested go to our web site and see the veteran secretary testifying about that issue yesterday. on twitter -- bill -- dale in new jersey, a republican caller. caller: it is a real tragedy what happened in boston. my heart goes out to the people. it is very unfortunate that so many people have conflicting views. if you look at history, 50 years ago when president kennedy was an offense -- was in office he was presented with operation no. would, which is a false flag operation. do is terrorist
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bombing in miami to get people gunned up so they could go into cuba. kennedy rejected this out of hand. -- shows the mentality that the mentality of distorted thinking is not limited to the people and other countries. it is in america as well. dave, a democratic caller from pennsylvania, hello. to sputniko back 1957. when the russians put sputnik up the start of this fear amongst american people and the military industrial complex saw that as our chance and they started to gear up for vietnam. we had the last real republican president in office -- dwight d. eisenhower. in his farewell speech he told us be aware of the military industrial complex.
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in 1963 the vietnamese have been newly elected president. he was making overtures to the north have peace. they assassinated him. kennedy was going to pull out of vietnam, they killed him. next thing you know ron paul kennedyd paul people, did shut down the reserve in 1963. host: we will leave it there. coming up next we will talk to two members of congress about what happened in boston as well as the key issues in congress this week. will be joining us and later represented luke messer. we'll be right back.
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one of the questions i did ask a lot is why do we do this? important not only to our national heritage but to history around the world, it needs to be preserved and the story needs to be passed on to future generations. the most complex and searches what mission to monitor still has and is of the film. the educational outreach efforts and conservation efforts, what those things are continuing to do today to help us understand our relationship with the sea and our relationship with our american past. >> we are currently in the clean lash the -- clean lab. includes chemical coating,
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constructing support mounts for objects, doing additional cleaning in a dry, stable environment. b. altman goal is to put these into the gallery and be able to share as much of the story of how these pumps operated, how they were made, what you're used for, their historical accounts from the sinking. we know that up to last when water put out the oilers, the pumps stopped moving. those are the things to consider is when dupont got here, the valve was still in position at its last moment. the think of the crew of monitor and the things they experienced and the struggles that they undertook to preserve c it ison and how ironi
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that today 100 petite years later they are still serving the nation in ways they could never have imagined, helping us understand marine conservation, understanding our past, and helping us look forward and learned from the lessons of the past. >> this weekend, looking at the history and literary lights for virginia beach, virginia, including more from the mariners' museum, saturday and noon eastern on c-span2. and sunday at 5:00 on american on c-span3. >> washington journal continues. host: we welcome back to the democrat of arizona raul grijalva, representing the third district, co-chair of the progressive caucus. he sits on many caucuses dealing with immigration issues. before we go there, i want to get your reaction to what happened in boston yesterday. guest: it was a paralyzing moment of terror. as the president said, let's not
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jump to conclusions as to who, what, and the motivation, but the fact that it is an act of terror. it is paralyzing moment for americans to backtrack the discussions we're having in washington whether it is gun violence, immigration reform, what to do next year than you have this terrific backdrop -- horrific backdrop that points out the vulnerabilities of our nation in a free society. for all of us, it is a moment that brings so many other memories. more importantly, i think that it makes one understand that in this great free society of ours, we always have to be not only alert but protective of each other in our country. host: how did you find out? guest: there's a system to alert
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members of congress as to any incident that is viewed as threatening and any incident of this magnitude obviously we were alerted and our staffs alerted. with communications the way they are now, being instantaneous, all of us were glued to the tv sets and following that whole tragedy. host:who alerted you? guest: its capital police and it's on our communications on our phones and ipads and i think all members receive that kind of alert on any occasion. if there's something that appears to be suspicious of run the capital, we are alerted to that as well. host: will you be receiving a briefing by the capitol police today? guest: i have not received any notice of that. usually if there is going to be any increased security, any additional protections, restriction of movement for members or their staff, we are told about that.
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host: you have not been told that? guest: we have not. host: this has been called by one white house official in the papers today that it appears to be an act of terror and will be treated as such. what do you make of that? guest: the sequence of the explosions, i think that is the obvious conclusion that people of reached. i think it is accurate. this was meant to hurt, to render as much violence and to have the kind of shock that it is having across the country. and for the poor victims that were there. i think the aggressiveness of the white house response is appropriate. we have to get to that. as the president said, a full measure of justice. the consequence of an act like this should be the immediate consequence of w finding
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consequenceho and the application of the full measure of justice. president is correct. host:? is:? guest: i believe it is adequate?s security i believe it is. one can have many things in place. many commentators have said that in a free and open society with the liberties and freedom of movement that we enjoy as americans, that is a restriction. and the privacy restrictions, those issues we debate in congress are very sacred and very important. host: a tweet -- guest: i would hope not. i really believe that we as a nation -- that agony that we see
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in the middle east, in iraq, in syria, is that going to come to our shores? that's a question many people are asking today. i don't believe it is. i say that with hope and expectation that it doesb not itut our vigilance and our that will detect be tested in the next months. host: do you think what happened in boston has an impact on immigration and gun-control, the timing of it? guest: it should not. it is a horrible backdrop. i agree with the senators, eight senators who said we are going to delay the official announcements for a later date. troubling issue for the nation of immigration reform
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deserves a serious attention in this country. the same thing with gun violence. that's very important and deserves the attention of congress. act deserve the attention of congress. we are git because it -- we are about democracy. we don't cease business. the thing to do is proceed as a democracy and continue to do our work. host: the gang of eight in the senate has said they will postpone their news conference to another day. hearing has been postponed as well until the end of the week. but they have released a proposal to the washington post and paid this morning on the details.
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what you think this would do? guest: i don't know. knowl be honest, i don't if that gesture of an additional $3 billion, 3500 additional border patrol agents, drones, additional fencing, technological requests, is going to make the issue of border variable.100% a host: why not? guest: we are spending $19 billion a year. homeland security is the largest law enforcement federal department in the country. also, it is incumbent on any piece of legislation that has security as the forefront of it -- and this does -- and many of
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us understand this will be part of it to deal with something, principally, i think that we need to do enough security oversight. we need to audit how money is used. we need to revisit that mission as to what its application is. and we need to have uniformity patrolcy for border agents, a process for citizens, and others as the contents of that application, and transparency. with an agency this large, with a commitment that is billions upon billions of dollars, i think transparency and oversight needs to be part and parcel with any initiative to increase border security. otherwise, we are putting money on top of money. the complaints will continue that it's not enough. let's look at what we are doing now, audit effectiveness, and add transparency and the process
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to that situation, which we don't have. host: here's "usa today" on the gang of eight's proposal. the efficacy of border security be tracked? why can we know whether or not the border is secure? your: the frustration in voice is the frustration all of us have, particularly on the border. we keep increasing the militarization of the border. it begins to affect the economies in the area. certainly within the district i represent. yet there's always a persistent demand for more. the persistent demand usually comes from washington and not the border communities that they want more. some of those communities are the safest in the country. but the fact remains that if we are going to make security the
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linchpin and put dollars on top of dollars, taxpayer money, and there's a lack of transparency and oversight, i am not sure that this is not just become another symbolic gesture and the outcome continues to be one that is in doubt and people keep demanding more. host: for yourself representing a border state, as co-chairman of the progressive caucus, if any legislation that comes to be in the house and senate include border security as the linchpin to a pathway to citizenship, the border has to be secure before the 11 million people can get on a pathway to citizenship, if that's the case, are you a yes vote? guest: no. arbitrary triggers should not be part of the legislation. it's my understanding that there been a time of three years to five years to look at how those initiatives are working.
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if they're not, we need a benchmarks, then you look at forming a commission that would then come in and restructure with that mission is. that i amhalfway mark not comfortable with. but in the process of compromise and try to reach what many of us for,ve is what i advocate the pathway and family unification, in this whole process as i have stated over and over again, there are some bills that need to be swallowed that are not very comfortable for me and other members of congress. -- a security-myopic look at how we do immigration is not the way. if there are triggers attached that say we will not move on on less, but i am uncomfortable and am not
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supportive and i think a lot of other people will be, too. , democrat, up first. caller: i have three quick questions to ask you, representative. first thing is my grandson, he took a job in arizona. i begged him not to go because i bought it was not a safe place. he went anyway and he loves it, but i'm very frightened for him. i asked him all the time are you save? my second question is i made phone calls it for hillary clinton. when she stood up and said to a man who said he had arrived here illegally, she said no one is illegal. that's when i stopped making phone calls for her. the third question is why did it come down to 11 million from 20 million, which it used to always be? thank you and i will listen to you.
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guest: i think the north has always been consistent between 9 million to 13 million historical. that number of 11 million gets the startinguse dates of december 31 of 2011, you have to been in the country prior to that date. and so, that is going to affect maybe 600,000 other folks or 700,000 other folks that have arrived since december 31, 2011. that number has been around and has been consistent for a long time. the other point is, your whole point about making calls for hillary clinton, one of the interesting studies -- and we have to accept this very important issue that is the pathway to citizenship and the issue of family unification. study recently done on migration, the majority of
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people that are caught re- entering the country after they were deported are coming back because they have a blended family. thata spouse, children our citizens here and live in this country, and we have a divided family. so this is not a question of a habitual criminal act derek is people wanting to be with their families, which is a very necessary instinct. arizona continues to be a very decent and safe state. i'm glad that your son, i think, is enjoying his stay there and i hope he remains there and makes its home. a lot of people have. a lot of what happened with arizona has more to do with reputation than with danger. when you had a governor running around saying they found heads in the desert, it turned out to be false. that goes national.
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when you have a sheriff that conducts raids, that those national. when you have the constant drumbeat of this is a threat and it is dangerous, you send out that perception. i think the worst public relations job that is ever been done in the state of arizona was the laws that kept past that turned many people against that states and the political hype by our governor and other elected officials that have tried to give the impression that arizona is a cauldron of violence, death, and destruction. it is aity is southwestern states, defers, vibrant, healthy, and with all the other talent is any state has when it comes to violence. host: on twitter -- guest: well, i pathway issue of
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the work visa, but the senate bill has its minimum 13 year wait and potentially more. i think we have overcomplicated an issue, and has been part of the compromise process through this whole thing. the other a thing was the guest worker program, where i am glad there was finally a decision made, not only with organized labor and the chamber, but with farmworkers and growers in the southwest. you don't want indentured servitude in this country. don't want a technocrat set of workers in this country that get less and everybody else in terms of wages and then continue to drive wages down around us. i think that protection that was orchestrated by organized labor and the united farmworkers is a good protection not only for the people that work in those areas and for guest workers but more importantly for workers in general in this country. host: and from the "new york
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times" -- guest: yes, and i think people have to understand that this is anybody that tries to say this legalesty, but there is status granted immediately is believing a myth. this set of immigrants being given the opportunity to go on a pathway are going to have to jump through more hoops and wait longer and pay more in order to establish their permanent residency and potentially citizenship in this country. no other set of immigrants has had to go through this.
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alsoof this compromise but part of the reaction to how divisive this issue has been to this nation. you can the elements of both proud this proposal by the senators. host: in the house, there is a gang of eight as well working on legislation. when might? they release a plan guest: i would anticipate it would be shortly after. off thet now am working template that the senate has here. and working with other groups to some of the areas in which we think it is becoming too punitive for some of those areas, particularly doing away with some visa categories entirely. the pathway that issue needs to be better defined. the security component, what are the criteria? that needs to be better defined. and i really believe that there
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has to be a little more touch of humanity to this whole issue. by now we are dealing with numbers and data. there are faces we have to deal with. i am going to work off this as the template, because -- and the four colleagues from my side of the aisle that are working on this, i admire very much and admire everything they're doing in this effort. but there is a more resistant strain in the house when it comes to immigration reform, very hard line on it. i think if the house produces something, i don't think it will be any better than the senate bill, and possibly. host: "national journal reporting that the chairman of the most judiciary committee, of virginia, housed judiciary moving immigration on its own. guest: that's exactly it. thatnk one of the points you will see in the house is to
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delay it as much as possible and to try to do it piecemeal, which i think defeats the whole purpose of reform packages as comprehensive. host: chris in south carolina. caller: the one article where you put down about the to thousand dollars coming in, but they only have to pay $500 up front and get a long time to pay the rest is garbage, because if i owe $2,000 to you guys on my income taxes, do you guys say you can pay off a little at a time and then pay the rest of over a long time without being penalized? that is garbage. host: congress man? guest: there's a provision, if i'm not mistaken, if there are back taxes due, the people beyond $2,000 that is the feet
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that is being required in order to help pay for the processing of individuals, that will also be demanded as well. two-sided sort. -- sword. many of these undocumented workers in various industries in this country pay into a great deal of federal taxes, whether it is deducted for their payroll for social security, fica, etc., with no opportunity of ever retrieving or utilizing that tax, because they are prohibited from taking any federal program. also, one of the areas in which there will be some consternation is the fact that even though they have a work visa and are working toward a permanent status, all public benefits will be denied to 11 million people that qualify for this program. host: on twitter --
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guest: yes, and parts of the criteria is going to be exactly that. your background. criminal and otherwise. hopefully, this process is going to begin to dispel another myth that is used incessantly to try to stop immigration reform, is that you have people here that are just taking from the federal government and from the rest of the taxpayers. that is a myth. regardless of the studies and regardless of the scientific backing to say it is a myth, it continues to perpetuate. host: part of the pathway to citizenship would be a criminal background check? guest: absolutely, it always has been. host: mike in ohio, republican. caller: all the people that are
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here illegally should be deported, because they have already committed a crime by being here. i know they can say it's a misdemeanor. but when you smoke marijuana, you'll end up on here oin. if they are backed into a corner, they will commit more crimes just to be here. host: congressman? guest: i don't make that correlation that an undocumented person by nature will continue -- is a criminal. i reject that. think it is an interesting point. the whole self-deportation or mass deportation, everybody agrees that idea borders on lunacy and will be destructive to our economy and to the whole social fiber. i mentioned blended families. there are over 5 million
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children where one or the other pair parents is undocumented. 5100 kids now are in foster care that are now foster children whose parents have been deported. that reality will not disappear. that realityetend is not part of it -- part of immigration reform, this whole discussion is about reality. if we continue to pretend that we can have surfaced discussions and not deal with the reality and make this the same politically divisive fight we have had the last six elections with no conclusion at the end, it's not only be are dealing with undocumented. we are dealing with the whole social fabric of this nation at risk as well. host: on twitter -- guest: that has been concern. length of time,
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and the pressure to come for to come forward. that's why we need a discussion about this with an incentive and a disincentive. district,ce in the every district,we deal with families that are divided and you deal with a sense of theeration, people in shadows. idp impulse of many of the immigrants we are talking about with this legislation, the impulse regardless of the hopes they have to jump through, regardless upper the wait time, idp instincts will be to come out for their own self protection and for the protection of their families. -- i think the instinct will be
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in to come out. host: from the wall street journal this morning about that -- clifford in jacksonville, florida, a democrat. thanks for waiting period you are on the air. caller: good morning, shalom. you all in is why do
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congress allow outside groups -- racial trying to have a overtone, but you allow outside groups to dictate whether or not you all pass effective laws helping this situation? everybody in this country is an illegal alien or at one point in time if you wanted to cross the border, no problem here now it's a problem because of race and racism that has infiltrated not only mainland society but the white house and congress itself. if everybody was to get on one accord, we are all human beings. we are all children of god. there's no immigrant prepares no black or white. there's just the human race. host: we will get a response. guest: it's a really good point. throughout the discussion on immigration, close under the surface has been corresponding discussion of race the
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discussion of diversity, culture, languages. at times i have heard this is not the america that i know, this is a different america. and it is a different america. that is not necessarily a bad thing. the diversity of this nation has been its strength. this nation was built on immigrants. i'm a first-generation american. i put my merits as an american against anybody. i think that is the legacy of this nation. we should not be afraid of it. there's no question that underlying this debate has been the very sinister issue of race and part of the resistance to immigration reform has been based solely on that in some sectors. ohio,gary in akron, independent. the last phone call. caller: i would like to know what the cost is of the
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illegals on the u.s. and what the cost of legal immigrants is? and whether they are given worker program, how much of accosted is to taxpayers. host: i will leave it there. --st: the additional cost host: i think he is asking how much it costs currently. guest: i don't think that figure -- i think it's on the plus side for the american taxpayer, because undocumented people that are working here are paying into the federal revenue with no ability to get returns. second, it's been a benefit for business in that they have been able to pay less than if they were to pay someone else. host: on twitter --
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there will be an implementation period. e-verify has to verify. there had been too many problems with it. it's on the federal government to make assurances to business that the database is up-to-date and registration is up to date. and you can start talking about what the disincentives will be for business if they do hire someone that is not documented. raul grijalva,en thanks for coming back. guest: thank you. host: we will continue our conversation about the key issues in congress as well as what happened in boston yesterday with those two explosions. rep. luke messer will be joining us, the republican from indiana. later, we turn solely to the bombings in boston. and the investigative projects on tourism director will be joining us. first a news update from c-span
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radio. >> members of the house and senate intelligence committees will be briefed by the fbi today about the boston marathon bombing that left three dead and more than 130 people injured. maryland democratic congressman dutch ruppersberger, the ranking member on the house intelligence committee, in remarks to reporters says that members of the panel received an initial briefing from james clapper, the director of the national intelligence agency, about an hour-and-a-half after. yesterday's after meanwhile, officials are looking at upcoming sporting events worldwide following yesterday's bombing. russian sports officials say they will be for lulz security at the soda 2014 winter games and the world athletics championships in moscow in august. british officials are working on improving security for this sunday's london marathon. major cities on both sides of the atlantic from los angeles to london are seeing a surge in security. time carol new,
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york, and preparations for the funeral of margaret patrick marleau in london have all intents and intensified law enforcement presence after yesterday's explosions--in boston explosions times square in new york. c-span is covering market thatcher's pringles service tomorrow with live coverage beginning at 4:00 a.m. eastern span on c-span2 and on c- radio. those are some of the latest headlines. [video clip] years i am last four a little worried about this administration. that part of a long-term trend, as i outlined in the book, that it is using more and more state power to impose a particular world view that i call liberalism. we will go to a definition of that. but, as a christian, i am worried when the state's hhs agency wants to mandate that catholic institutions -- i'm catholic -- have to pay for
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abortions in their insurance programs. i'm worried when the supreme court start picking up things like gay marriage. i'm worried about things i see at the university's. i see more and more the state imposing a particular kind of agenda. it is really a world view. it's bigger than politics. it's bigger than republican and democrat. it is a particular world view. and that is a world view of worshiping the state. christianization. that's sunday night on c-span2. >> "washington journal" continues. with ae're back republican from indiana representing the sixth district and the republican freshman class president and serves on the budget committee. first, let's begin with the
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boston bombings. what was your reaction when? you when? guest: you cannot help but be heartbroken about the tragedy and the carnage and folks who died. we would like to believe in america that when you have an event like the boston marathon, you could not have this sort of terrorist attack. what we don't know exactly who did this and we are still searching for leads on who to blame, it's clear that it was organized as a terrorist attack. i believe we have seen the kind of response we need to see, starting with try to make sure folks are safe and that we don't have a series of these events in the near term and then working towards the process of trying to find the perpetrator and make sure. they are brought to sure host: would use a the same about what you have seen from this president and the white house? guest: yes. we have to come together as a country when the sort of tragedy to occur. the facts will unfold.
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it is important to take the time. we have seen in events like this where we have rushed to judgment and end up having the wrong facts. simply take the time to make sure we have the facts right. far,i've seen four so we've done what we need to do. host: the paper is reporting only one white house official was quoted in all the papers saying this appears to be an act of terror and we will treat it as such, but the president did not use those words. what makes you think it is? guest: it looks that there were a series of explosions, so it does not look like it was an accidental occurrence. there was a separation. you look at the target, which was at the finish line, as well. we don't know yet, is the honest answer. we will have to see how it unfolds. host: what does act of terror mean to you? guest: it means someone for largely political motivation is trying to make a point and will murder innocent victims.
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this seems to fit that category. we will have to see the facts as they unfold. host: what does it mean as far as prosecution and how much effort and resources can be put behind trying to find a person or persons that did this? guest: it's very important and these incidents occurred that criminals, evil people, understand it will be brought to justice and we will grow whatever resources we need to make sure that occurs. so reasons of justice for the victims and reasons for the country to try to deter future events, that we must be vigilant and strong and responding. host: its security adequate in this country? guest: by definition, any time something like this occurs you would say it is not accurate in that circumstance. this is a free country. it ought to stay free country. we cannot allow our lives to be altered because of a few evil people wanting to scare us and will do evil things.
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i was thinking as i drove in this morning if all of us remember the evening of september 11, 2001. at that moment in our nation's history it would have seemed unimaginable that we would have to ask you tragedies as we have had over the course of the last 12 years. by and large, the bush administration and the obama administration should be applauded for the efforts. all the men and women who work throughout our law enforcement agencies, the fbi, cia, military, to try to keep us safe. but when these tragedies occur, we cannot help but be heartbroken and we need to see what more needs to be done. host: let's move on to the budget. the front page of the washington post has its headline --
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where did you come down on a proposal from the president, the chained cpi, as well as higher medicare premiums and reduced benefits for wealthier seniors? guest: we have to start with the premise cannot keep spending money we don't have. we have a moral obligation to not rob the next generation of their opportunity to live the american dream. at the same time, we have seniors who have paid into this program, folks that are near retirement and those years away from retirement to have paid into social security and medicare with the understanding there will have the security of those programs being strong. actuaries of either party will tell you the numbers in medicare and social security don't work in a long-term. we are 10 years away from medicare being bankrupt. a little bit longer on social security being bankrupt, but it's clear now that we received your dollars in tax revenue than
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we spend. so something has to be done. host: the you support this idea of a chained cpi? guest: i think we ought to look at issues like the chained cpi. if it were part of broader package to support -- to reform the program, i would support. we need to look at means testing the program, extending aid to the programs for people under a 55 or 58. not for if you are reforms in these programs, then you are forcing them go bankrupt there that is not acceptable. some will want to them about these ideas don't want the alternative, which is probably to raise taxes if you don't look at some of these kinds of reforms. host: in the washington post, years of some of your colleagues are saying. guest: i don't agree with those comments.
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a democraticg colleague of mine from wisconsin made an interesting point, which it is difficult to present a compromise budget when you not done the work. i am encouraged that the president put this idea in his budget. i am discouraged that he has tied to any discussion on these reforms to further tax increases. frankly, i think a lot of work will need to be done before we can get a working compromise to congress. host: that brings up the debt limit debate that is coming up in the weeks ahead. are you know vote on raising the debt limit if there's not a grand bargain on spending? guest: grand bargain could have a very broad meaning. this is what i would say is that it is a major event when we raise the debt limit. the speaker, for example, has had a rule in place that says any increase in the debt limit
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should be accompanied by it a similar reduction in spending. i don't know if that's the right approach or tax reform of the major approach or if entitlement reform is the right approach. but clearly we will have to start to rein in our budget dilemma before we can continue to extend the debt limit. host: so something has to be done in order for you to vote yes on? raising the on? guest: i think it will take some major compromise that relates to spending and revenue in a way that helps grow the economy and balance the budget or we will be at a standoff this summer. been waiting in indiana, a democrat. you are on the air with congressman luke messer. caller: hello. i had a couple short comments. first, i was calling about the gun laws in indiana. i hear a lot of talk about the crime in chicago and the
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shootings over there. it is a well-known fact that those criminals and gangs come into north west indiana to purchase weapons. governor is trying to invite arms dealers into the state for their manufacturing. last year, they got rid of unions pretty must. it seems like the wages have been trickling down in indiana for the last 10 years. the unemployment is higher than the national average. host: we will start with: lax gun laws in indiana. guest: i don't know if i would agree with that. the second amendment is very important to our citizens. i believe we need to continue to defend the bedrock principle of liberty. we are in the midst of a big gun
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debate here in washington, d.c. it will be interesting to see what comes out of the senate. most recent reports i've read are that they may not have the votes to pass even the relatively limited gun background check that they have tried to pass in their compromises. wages, it is a very legitimate concern all across the country. we have had stagnant growth throughout most of the obama administration and that we need to do a lot better. host: 0 highfill on twitter not -- guest: it's not okay. change, we do need to our tax code in a way that lowers rates for everybody and eliminates a lot of these perks
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to the big corporations. i do recognize the caller -- the e-mail is correct. folks have paid into social security and medicare, so they deserve to have the benefits. the problem is if something is not done, these programs have a risk of going away. host: on twitter -- guest: yes, i think that's right. one of the challenges we face is how to get a growing economy going forward. that's one of our big debates for this summer. republicans believe that we need to modify our tax code, reduce rates for everybody, and grow the economy. much of what the president said is he wants to see that money used to fund bigger government. view is just a current
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two pennies on the table. any significance why you have them? guest: i did not mean to be discovered so quickly. these two pennies are illustrations i often used when talking about the sequester. money,lion is a lot of but it is 2% of our $3.60 trillion federal budget. what most folks i talk to a believe is our federal parliament is not so effective we cannot save two and is on every dollar. ck, when you look at the ba the latin phrase means from one, anyone. what makes america different is when you come here legally, you are 100% american from the first day. that's not true in many other nations. we have a big challenges with immigration reform, but it is
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important to recognize its longstanding tradition in this country. in north carolina, republican. caller: thanks for taking my call. guest.nk you for your and sometimes three jobs. i have been blessed with good jobs. words -- i have worked for social security and for the health benefits i have now, for years. bind, family gets in a what is the first thing they do? ep on the easiest ones, and that would probably be women, children, and retired folks.
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, high taxes ever since 1970. yet i have seen nothing in congress. they trip over themselves. they cannot agree on anything. i am a staunch republican. i believe in america. i am positive on america. but we are out of control. host: i will have a congressman respond. guest: he shares the frustration many americans do. many americans broken. when it comes to social security and medicare, we have to understand we all want to make sure these programs continue to thrive and survive so that current recipients, those nearing retirement, and those decades away from retirement have an opportunity for those programs to be successful. that will not happen unless we
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change them in some ways. nobody that i talk on capitol hill is talking about eliminating social security or medicare or reducing it in meaningful ways. the question is for those 55 and younger, can we change eligibility, means test, consider things like extending the age of eligibility? and for the existing recipients, is we use the cpi, which having more accurate inflation measures? why the caller is frustrated at i think it's because there's a lot of demagoguery describing what the president is proposing and why it's not consistent with what he really proposed. host: we will keep taking your phone calls on budget issues. we talked about the boston bombings. an update from cnn, reporting boston area hospitals have received 152 patients for
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sustained injuries in the marathon attack. also, another tweet from the white house press corps -- in martinsburg, west virginia, an independent caller. caller: good morning. i would like to ask the in d.c. all lived my life, i'm 68. i moved here several years back. the waydifference in people seem to be about this welfare thing. i would be interested to know why we talk about all these entitlement cuts and no one seems to look at the condition of the welfare board. these people -- everyone is in a hurry to get this free money, to get on welfare. they don't want to work. there's plenty of jobs out here. they're not the greatest jobs.
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some of them are sustainable as far as living conditions. i would be interested to know why everyone wants to cut up -- i don't consider it an entitlement. i think when you work for something and put it away, it's like your bank account is your money and not an entitlement. guest: i agree with her. our welfare state has gotten out of hand. it's amazing the number of employers in the sixth congressional district that i talked to that will tell you a story that is essentially that they were trying to hire someone into their factory or restaurant and they were told my unemployment runs out in two weeks, can i come back in two weeks and have a job? most typically the employer says, no, because you have been you have demonstrated your work ethic.
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i agree that we need to protect social security and medicare to make sure it's there for future generations. if and to look at common-sense reforms that preserve them so that they are there. i have an 85-year-old grandmother who has worked her whole life in a tough jobs as a cook and clean buildings. she could not survive through her retirement without social security. i have a 52-year-old mother who worked in a factory her whole life and raised my brother and me on her own. she is nearing retirement. do you wait until you get to be 64 or 65 to try to maximize their benefits? she could not make it through retirement without social security and medicare. we have to make the choices to make sure those programs continue. host: you mentioned gun-control earlier. , debate is underway in that chamber. the proposal put forth on background checks by senator joe manchin and senator patmon, if you could vote on that, how would you?
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am undecided.ow i i would have to vote no, because i would not change the law without knowing the full implications. my first thought on this gun control measure is this is a bedrock principle of liberty. let's take the time to go through the legislative process and make sure we have it the bugs worked out. for example, the harry reid version of the bill, which demands you describe was put in, it has a page and a half definition on what the transaction is for a gun purchase. there's a lot of details to go in that. i have been told that if someone were to violate their local states hunting laws, so they killed a deer out of season or something, they could be in a situation whereby selling a gun , they could be responsible for criminal charges. so we need to be very thoughtful
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about the process. we're all heartbroken by incidents in connecticut and colorado and elsewhere. i would like to see the debate focused more on what can we do to take a comprehensive approach to mental health? what can we do to enhance a school's security? of thes, partly because president's strong position, that the legislators are scrambling to find anything that they can pass so that they can say they did something to further control guns. that does not seem to be a very common-sense way to make laws. host: let's listen to republican pat toomey said yesterday on the floor. he was talking about the supreme court's 2008 decision in the district of columbia. [video clip] >> justice scalia observed, "nothing in our opinion, affirming the individual right of the second amendment, nothing in our opinion should be taken
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to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill or was imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. it seems to me that the very it isit explanation that not an infringement on second amendment rights. outttempt to keep firearms of the hands of criminals, mentally ill people. so the founders were in agreement on this. and the supreme court is in agreement. we have laws in all 50 states that make it illegal for certain criminals and mentally ill people to have firearms. the question is, are we willing to take modest measures to try to achieve this goal that tied think we all share and that is clearly consistent with our constitution? host: you heard the senators
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saying it is consistent with our constitution, the background check proposal they are putting forward. guest: he said a couple things. i think that he would like to go to the fact of their proposal is constitutional. we have to figure that out. i do agree with his underlying premise that there's nothing inconsistent with the second when it relates to keeping guns away from the mentally ill or criminals. the question is how do we do that it? we have an existing background check legislation or bill or policy in place as a country. frankly, it is not being used all that well and it is not keeping guns away from the mentally ill or criminals in high-profile ways, as we have seen. i think most folks i talk to are not opposed to figuring out ways we can better utilize our existing background check system
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to make sure criminals and the mentally ill don't receive guns. but i think we want to do that in a way that does not create a national gun registry, that would be a tremendous limitation on our second amendment rights and not consistent with our founding fathers. i would like to see us instead of focusing on the gun bans and the background check that we already have, let's focus on school security and mental health and other challenges that would help us to prevent these tragedies. host: the new york times reporting -- the two senators are looking to change what they have already put on the floor. liveting residents hundreds of miles from a gun dealer, such as in alaska.
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guest: again, i would want to see the details. my first reaction is it seems like some of the challenges you have when they tried to pass the obamacare bill, the affordable care act, and they exempted this state or that state. it looks like an effort to cobble together votes and not the way to make policy on something as important as the second amendment. host: democratic caller in south bend, indiana. caller: i want to ask the gotesentative, if you've billions of dollars being spent -- the border and host: we are listening. caller: you've got all these people they want to legalize. there's no jobs in america and especially for blacks.
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why do you need more people when you don't have jobs and you are saying in the illegals that you are going to bring in, there's already no jobs here? express is ak lois frustration that you hear officer in the sixth congressional district. i think any immigration plan has to start with a conversation about border security. i'm encouraged by the fact that i believe the plan will invest billions of dollars making sure we have a secure border. the second point is that we do have 11 million undocumented immigrants in america. have defactoy they amnesty. unless they commit a violent criminal act, they are not likely to be sent home. what are we going to do to deal with that group? host: if the proposal in the house matches what the senate is talking about, that is $7 billion investment in or security, to the borders have to be secure before there is a
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pathway to citizenship,? are you a,? guest: the details matter. but i would say this. i believe that a proposal that starts with a strong border security that looks at a pathway to citizenship that's not better than those who came here illegally. if one were to leave today, you could come back in 10 years and apply for citizenship. this plan, it would be 10 years before you get an official green card. 13 years would probably be the closest somebody can come. that seems to make sense. it is important that we recognize that no one has the right to come to this country illegally. there may be reasons of compassion. there may be economic reasons to deal with this challenge. i think you start with border security. you make sure that folks are not treated that are for coming here illegally than they would be if they came legally.
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i do agree with an approach that looks at paying back-taxes, and system have an e-verify that is enforceable so that you can no longer work in america unless you are of that system. host: new hampshire, independent caller. good morning, representative. back to social security, i spent my refresh no working career in the mid-1970's, and i graduated high school and went to a professional job. i did not do military, i do not have the opportunity. in the 1980's, i monitored the social security situation. unfortunately, i became disabled in an industrial accident. not my fault, it just happened. that is live, it happens, just like the explosions in boston. on the payroll
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tax used to fund social security, around $103,000 to 110 thousand dollars. you cannot get real accurate figures. i do my own research. if we just remove that cap, totally removed it and everybody puts into social security, whether you get it or not -- -- and not be part of the issue. if we did it 15 years ago, we would have no problems. some of these solutions seem real simple. i follow the information, and then you have -- it is not a tax cut, there was a different term used for it. tax expenditure. if we removed the tax expenditures from the tax code, all of them, remove every tax expenditure, it would help this country. you sit there and say we need these things. instantly, we should stop shipping guns out of the country for tax breaks.
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guest: he makes several points. the first thing i want to say is the good news is i talk to no one on capitol hill who does not oferstand the importance preserving social security and medicare for existing recipients and future generations. the debate is about what steps thatwe take to make sure those programs are preserved? he gave one example, which is on social security taxes. could you raise that some or eliminate it? i would not support eliminating it. that would not make a lot of sense. most folks do not want to talk about the kinds of tax increases that would need to be done if we do not look somehow at the benefit side of the equation as well. and he makes the other point that, you know, a growing economy would make a big difference for all of these challenges we face. , ohio, independent caller. caller: good morning, and thank
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you for taking my call. my first comment is on the gun control. i lived in ohio. a few years ago i was going on vacation. i stopped in the bathroom, walked in, and found on the toilet holder aide fully--- on the toilet holder, a fully loaded revolver. i took it to the local police station, and on my way back from vacation, i learned that it was my ownred to a woman in neighborhood. i asked about the consequences of leaving a gun in the bathroom, and there were none. my comment was, when i get my fishing license every year, i get three pages of regulations, but we have no regulations on registered guns and people who leave them behind? is hardeah, i mean, it to justify the circumstances described there. obviously, that is an error in judgment by her neighbor who made that mistake.
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you know, that kind of behavior with guns i think would be best handled at the state level. it sounds like that gun-owner was negligent. foreignu serve on the affairs committee as well. here is the front page of the "new york times" ash from a nonpartisan review, an independent review of interrogation and detention programs in the years after the september 11, 2001 terrorist attack him a concluding that it is indisputable that the united states engaged in the practice of torture and then the nation's highest officials or ultimate responsibility for it. as a member of the foreign affairs committee, what you you think this does to our strategy overseas? guest: i think it is a very complicated challenge. you have to put yourself back in the circumstances of september 11, 2001 and the very real threat we faced of a major attack that would have been comparable to what happened in
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new york on september 11. we have some challenging moral dilemmas. i was not there. i do not know the details of what was done. obviously, there needs to be some limitations. i mean, we are american spirit we do not behave the way that many of their -- we are americans. we do not behave the way many other people around the world would. we do not know who the perpetrator was in boston yesterday, but the kind of attack we saw yesterday in boston has been very minimal over the last decade. host: florida, republican caller. caller: good morning. thank you for your service, congressmen, and thanks for c- span. the ironic thing about the about five reform is years with 300,000 baby boomers retiring in a month, and we're going to need more people to work.
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i hope you're taking that into consideration while discussing this bill. i do not understand why you do not do something simple. the reason these people are coming here for work in education for their kids to my why is it not a mandate that we have to prove legal residency to get into our schools? police,ead of border we should check workforce for illegal workers. we really would not even need a border if those two things are done in this country. guest: i agree with the caller, the economic security of this
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country has been, in part, based on immigration for hundreds of years. that is not likely to and bang any time soon. caller: good morning, i have a comment and a question, please. my comment is, since obama first took office, i have yet to see a compromise by the republican party with obama. no offering of an olive branch. i would like the congressmen to set examples of where the republican party has been willing to compromise. guest: one example was the no budget, no paid bill from a few weeks ago. both houses of congress and the president, we passed a law that said if you do not pass budgets, legislators would not get paid.
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i agree with the caller that it is important that we reach out and try to find areas where we can agree. . have reached across the aisle we have had a series of events where we have tried to get to know each other. in this process, it is easy to be nice to people you do not know. when you take the oath of office, does not say anything about your political party. part of the problem with this president, frankly frankly, is his idea of a compromise would be similar to the budget he .ust put forward the house democrats had a budget that raised taxes by one point $2 trillion. the president loss was $1.1 trillion. there was not a compromise between the most left of the democrats in the most conservative of democrats. what we have to do to move this
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country forward is to find some real common ground. ,ost: lafayette, indiana republican caller. you are on the air. caller: good morning. , that shouldget save a lot of money and save a lot of lives. , therohibition of alcohol murder rate went up 70%. 13 years -- [indiscernible] they repealed it, and then it went down 70%. 30% higher murder rates in the prohibition about the whole. that was for 13 years. [indiscernible] drugdent reagan made the laws tougher. it made it worse, not better. they say the mexican cartels down there, the president
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having a war on them, 60,000 people murdered on both sides of the law because of our drug laws. we have been in iraq twice as long, eight years. more drug laws, drug habits, 60,000 murders and half that time. host: we will get a response. guest: yeah, well, i do think there is some opportunity for discussion here. i would not be for carte blanche elimination of our nation's drug laws. city, michigan, independent caller. caller: hello, i want to actually bring something to your attention. i have landscaped for probably 10 years. i am from michigan. i moved to colorado because you can work more during the winter season. i work with a lot of people from mexico and other countries even, ,nd probably i would say
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literally, 90% of those people would get paid and send that money overseas to their country, back to their family, and then they would obviously cash it in. then we lose all that money. that money does not come back. just do not understand why we keep letting so many people into our country when we are suffering enough and the american people do not have the jobs because they are being replaced by other people. guest: two things. one, the caller highlights the challenges we have with enforcement. over 40% of our current illegal immigrant population, undocumented immigrants, are people that came here first legally. so we need to better enforce those existing laws. secondly, we are going to have to have a stronger, more secure border if we are going to stop
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this continued influx folks were coming here in an undocumented way. part of the proposal being put forward is a way of making sure we have that stronger border. host: here is a tweet -- guest: i support so social and willand medicare fight to make sure we keep them. host: william, dallas, texas, democratic caller. caller: i would like to ask the congressman about the black lady who called earlier asking about blacks, you know, being put out of work because of the mexican immigrants coming through, and he never answered that question. he just went all the way over it. also, i would like to ask another question about, when are they going to give the black farmers their money? they won that seat 10 years ago.
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when are they going to award them their money from all of those years? guest: not sure i understand the second half of the questionnaire 1st avenue, unequivocally, racism is an awful, terrible thing, and it is in is usable whenever exercised. while it is natural that we talk about race and immigration, we should make these policies in ways that are race-neutral. the reality is that no one has a right to come to this country illegally. there are reasons of compassion. most importantly, there are economic reasons for our nation to tackle these challenges. continuing the status quo was not acceptable. we have the unique opportunity this summer to come to a sensible compromise, and hopefully we will. messer, thankman you for talking to our viewers. we're going to take a short break. first, a news update from c- span radio. >> 14 past 9:00 a.m. eastern
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time. economic news this hour from the labor department shows consumer prices declined last month as the cost of gasoline fell sharply and food prices were unchanged. the reading is the latest evidence that the sluggish economy is keeping inflation in check. meanwhile, the commerce department says builders increased construction pace last month seven percent from february. the gain driven by apartment construction mostly, the fastest pace in nearly five years. it signals further strengthening in the housing market ahead of the spring buying season. on wall street, stock futures are rebounding from the slide.s session's sharp some stabilization in gold prices and an upbeat earnings report. yesterday, the dow dropped 266 points, the biggest one-day point decline since november 7. the market is set to open in about 15 minutes. dow jones industrial average futures are up about 140 points. those are some of the latest headlines on c-span radio.
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f-35 is the most expensive weapon system in the history of united states, history of mankind, likely. it is an advanced warplane, a fighter jet that is to be used by the the air force, the navy, and the marine corps. his goat the replacement for for the air force and a number of other planes for the marines and navy. our new advanced all-purpose fighter jet. it was a plane that was supposed to be in the skies fighting now, still in development. an incredibly troubled program. this program has gone tens of billions of dollars over budget. i borrowed into this program as a way to write about the overall challenges of the defense budget, because this program is in some ways singular in terms of its tossed overruns, its delays, and the way it has been structured to, as i write in the
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piece, it's most effective defensive attribute may not be all of its radars and sensors and missiles and stealth technology and the ability to fight at -- fly its supersonic speed. it may be designed to evade budget cutters in washington. ajiv sunday atr 8:00. >> "washington journal" continues. host: we will continue with our discussion from earlier about that boston bombing yesterday. it appears to be a terrorist attack. that is from a white house official. the white house officials saying it will be treated as such, as well. the president spoke in the briefing is -- briefing room yesterday. he did not call it an act of terror. this headline from "the wall street journal." kills at least three, injures
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140. the number now at about 152, according to news reports this morning. also, that eight-year-old boy has been identified as well. he was killed in the bombings yesterday. we want to get your thoughts on this this morning. here are the numbers -- host: we have a fourth line for boston residents. this is from the "new york times" -- 152, that number at about according to the boston globe. this is what they had to say this morning. the timing of the explosion, ,round 2:50 p.m. eastern time was especially devastating because it happened when a high
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concentration of runners in the main field were arriving at the finish line on boylston street. last year at the marathon, more than 9100 crossed the finish line. 42% of all finishers in the 30 minutes before and after the time of the explosions. this year, more than 22,000 people started the race in near perfect conditions. only about 70,580 finished. as we said, three people killed in that. also this morning in the papers, here's the the baltimore sun with more detail about this. officials told reporters a nationally televised briefing that there were no suspects, but they acknowledged they were questioning some people. federal law enforcement officials said authorities were questioning a saudi national who was taken to a boston hospital with injuries. the official said authorities are desperately seeking a penske rental truck seen leaving the race site.
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the associated press reporting 26s morning about -- about minutes ago or so, authorities investigating the bombing are not saying whether they are looking at any possible suspects, but the fire department in the boston suburb of riviere says on its facebook page that firefighters responded overnight in the search of a person of interest. they had gone through and possibleooking for information at an apartment in that area of boston, executing a search war and in that case. we want to welcome to the table steven emerson, the founder and executive director of the investigative roger. terrorism. welcome, thank you for being here. let's begin with calling this an act of terror. we heard that from a white house official yesterday. what does that mean going forward? guest: terrorism is defined as the use of political violence against billions for political purposes.
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we are not -- [indiscernible] 99% sure it is terror. number two, given what they have found so far, and i will not go into it to guess i have been given privy to certain classified information, but appears that it was a political act of terrorism done for political reasons. yes, there has been no person arrested. there have been people interrogated. , butust in one house raids on several houses. on the facebook page of the person of interest, there were interesting entries against the united states. again, he has not been convicted, but the burns on his skin match the explosive residue of the bomb that exploded. host: is this the saudi national or those two different people? guest: the saudi national. host: why are you privy to certain information, and what can you tell us? guest: i am going to be careful
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because we do not want to jump to conclusions. again, nobody has been arrested and nobody has been charged. these are people of interest. this is just the beginning of the investigation. the fbi does a fantastic job of solving crimes. only after 9/11 did they start doing criminal intelligence ahead of time. right now, they are going through the terrorist watch lists, hundreds of thousands of people. they are going to all people who have come to the united states in the last three weeks. they're going to any store with nitrate or explosive residue. they go into stores that sold timers. also going into stores that sold ball bearings, because ball bearings are a highlight of the type of jihadist suicide bombing in the middle east. it could have been imported. we do not want to jump to conclusions. i am privy to information because i work in the area of
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counterterrorism. my organization works for the fbi, works for the joint terrorism task force, with agencies. we found the facebook page with the person of interest last night before the fbi did. host: how? guest: we have good investigators. and good sources. half ofur mission -- the organization works for the government. we are not super classified in the formal way, but we are bound by confidentiality. host: since he found that information and it was public on the facebook page, what sort of things was this person of interest writing on the facebook page that you in the fbi concerned? guest: first of all, we do not get the internal facebook page because you have to get his permission. we call the number and got voicemail. number de-dump, there were lots of pictures of his friends, and some of -- number two, there
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were lots of pictures of his friends, and some are anti- american, the muslim brotherhood. he could have just been an innocent bystander. but, again, he definitely is a person of interest. the apartment building the fbi has gone through and executed a search warrant for, is the saudi national who has been reported on it was treated at a hospital in the area for burns and for other injuries? guest: right, he was. this is not his room. this is not his house. this is somebody else's house where he might have stayed, but he had a different address. they are looking at the other people on the facebook page. the opening friends and everything. there are a lot of saudi nationals there. some of them, again, had him sing me as that are anti- american. -- had placards that are anti- american. host: what about the signature of this bomb? guest: good question.
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the signature of the bomb has evolved into one of the most sophisticated tools by fbi forensic analysts over the years. they can tell from the detonation, from the chemical explosion, from the residue, from the timer, from how exploded, so many things. combined, of course, with material such as, let's say, that they hadlm throughout boston, such as purchases of chemicals in the last three weeks, such as who came into the united states in the last three or four weeks. plus, persons of interest on the terrorism watch lists. 500,000 people on the terrorism watch list. they're not all guilty of terrorism, but there is some connection there. they're going through all the databases. there are 800 fbi agents that were assigned to this case yesterday, an amazing number. remember, this is the first
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bombing that succeeded since 9/11. there were three other attacks since 9/11, all shooting attacks, all convicted or found dead. this was the first actual successful bombing. the times square bombing did not detonate because of a malfunction, so this is the first bombing that occurred. again, just so you know, in terms of signatures, al qaeda usually tries to kill as many people as possible, putting bombs in concentrated areas by population, buses, trains, stadiums. square.s -- near times so this was not in that same type type of thing. it did not congregate around concentrations of people. host: tell me this about where we stand today -- what are you being told about the threat? the governor of boston has said they are still under a high security alert in that city. what about the rest of the country? have to be. they
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this is normal practice since 9/11. 11 city gets it, another city to possibly be hit. after 9/11, there were fears of suicide bombings around the country and different cities. it did not materialize, by the way. maybe something will materialize now. we do not know. the forensic analysis -- [indiscernible] it could take them someplace else. we're very open-minded, and they have other other persons of interest as well. host: this is from a reporter who is tweeting this in -- guest: absolutely. remember that journalists have been used in the past as terrorists. terrorists have used journalist credentials. so they are going to check everybody. nobody is exempt. to gete are going to try
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live coverage of that fbi press briefing when it happens. we will possibly be up to bring you a little bit of that as we continue here to talk to steve emerson, who is joining us to talk about the boston bombing. guest: they do not want to prejudice the case, by the way, and they will be much more reluctant to reveal details. the details that are coming are being leaked out unofficially. that is why i am not willing to leak them out myself. i am not authorized. i know stuff that is forensic. but, again, we do not have an answer here. host: you talk about this system that we have for tracking bombs, the signature parts. "wall street journal" writes about this this morning. they read about tripwires, but they say it does not always work. guest: there are known types of bombing timers.
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.ome have used the watch there are explosive residues, and that would be found on the person's injuries. there are types of explosives that that made, and that could be consistent with what was purchased in the last three or four weeks. that is what they did in the oklahoma city bombing and other bombings, looking at purchases of ammonium nitrate or something. host: talking about oklahoma city, etc., are you ruling this out -- are you ruling out a domestic terrorist attack? guest: absolutely not. could bestill domestic or foreign. what makes you say that? guest: i do not think you can come to any conclusion, and i will not jump the gun even if i have a certain privy information. again, that information may ultimately up being wrong.
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there could be a whole series of coincidences. we know that they have found term -- forensic connections. they found a facebook page. they found a connection. that does not make him guilty necessarily. day, theys tax probably would have hit a tax center. host: what about the bomb or the bombs? guest: they were sort of high- tech. they had timers on them. .hey had ball bearings there were two bombs that went off. there were other bombs
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that did not go off. .uest: i stand corrected bs went off at the finish line. three people were killed. that was a tragedy. host: randy in massachusetts. pressernot get the fbi during the "washington journal." that will be happening. the fbi will be holding a press conference in boston. thank you for waiting. caller: explosions happened all over the world every day. this was going to happen sooner
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or later. people see things and they always report things after the fact. are 100% they have stopped bombings and attacks. these were disguised bombs within the bushes and within the building near the finish line. they would have been difficult to find. i do not know what the timers were set at. the person that did the bombs knew what they were doing. host: john from missouri. caller: i cannot understand
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about calling this an act of terror. it was not a celebration. it was not a bank robbery. people not jumping up and down because they were happy. it was meant to terrorize people. .uest: i agree with you right? you are 100% a criminal act could be the mafia, detonating bombs or something. that would not be terrorism. ted kaczynski -- there's a question of his bombings. is definition of terrorism
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the use of violence against civilians for political purposes. an act this was used as of terrorism. host: mary in wisconsin. caller: good morning. i have a thoughtful answer to what obama has done in libya. he denied it was an act of terror. it and did notue have the fbi investigate for months. accountable -- i do not hold him accountable for what happened yesterday. host: the president not using in hisrd "act of terror"
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comments last night. guest: he was being cautious. we have made a lot of mistakes. i've seen intelligence reports showing it was an act of terrorism. they know that. i do not blame him for avoiding the use of terrorism in that case. i think he is being prudent here. there will be a time in the they willurs where be men in this and act of terror. .hat triggers the patriot act there will be able to use
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intelligence they picked up from the nsa or cia. they'll all back and look at snippets of conversations overseas and in the united states to see whether they missed something. see who peopleo have been congregating with that came to the united states. there will find out when they came into the united states. 98% successatting a rate since 9/11. this is the first successful bombing since 9/11. hint ofhere was no this. guest:the fbi have been able to
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infiltrate the attacks. they have basically been able to stop them. you cannot blame an agency for not protecting everybody 100% of the time. they knew what they were doing in terms of ensuring that the bomb would not be caught. it has been not been caught on camera. host: gary is on the air with steven emerson. thank you for waiting. caller: hi. i've actually met you. there was a famous commander that said they need to be lucky
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every day. to stop this stuff, you need intelligence. it is difficult to get intelligence if you keep hitting them with drones. we are assuming there is a connection. you are right. we get to take out the leadership. there is a doctrine that the israelis have succeeded in. thebasically take out organization for years. it does not mean they are going to talk if you capture them. i do not believe the use of drones had anything to do with
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this attacke. i don't think that had anything to do with that. host: what is the impact of this headline in "the new york times"? we're entering new territory after 9/11. there were ticking time bombs. bombdo you if you know a is going to go off in 24 hours? you can use enhance tactics. some information came and that revealed future plots.
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there is a narrative in the islamic world that is the one antra. mo or thelet's say torture fact that they just hate the west because the islamic world is on the bottom of the totem pole. narrative.t of the host: we have this on twitter from kent older. guest: there is no prior restraint in this country. informationder blacked out by the newspapers.
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host: mike from florida. mentioned theyou number of cases since 9/11 that the fbi has done a stellar job. .ost: i will put you on hold the governor of massachusetts is speaking. the fbi has taken charge of the investigation. the special agent will speak shortly. explosivenly two devices were found yesterday. all other parcels in the area of the blasts have been examined. unexplodedno other
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devices found. our thoughts go well to all those injured and killed and to their families and friends. the firstthank responders for their extraordinary work yesterday. every single one of them performed dutifully as have the area hospitals. i have been calling around to the heads of the hospitals to thank them as well. will organize an interfaith prayer service tomorrow. we will provide those details when we have them. center thatsupport was opened yesterday on the arlington street.
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the mayor has provided staff to thispeople cope with extraordinary event. it will be open from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. this evening. everyone should expect continued andhtened police presence people should continue to be vigilant. .he investigation continues all of those in law enforcement will be present in the area around the blast and throughout the city. now i want to turn it over to the mayor menino. to one of was brought our neighbors. here we know our neighbors and we grieve for them.
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i want to say we know our heroes. they are the men and women who wear badges and uniforms who helped us during this time of need. we'll make sure to stay close together. let's continue to work together. let's offer it helping hand in this difficult time. 20 yearsen mayor for and i've never seen law enforcement pull together. we have helped people pull together. this is a tragedy but boston is a strong city. sestst up a resource -- we t up a resource center over by
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the castle. untilopen from 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 617-534-5050 is the hot line. 635-4500. we have received calls from all over the world about how people can help us. this is a bad day for boston. i think we can get through this. we can pull together. .et's say boston will overcome host: a live news conference in boston.
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you heard the governor speak and then the mayor. steven emerson is talking about what happened in yesterday after those two explosions. let's just recap. bombs thate were two exploded. they found residue of a specific explosive. they have found a type of ball bearings. residue of the explosion on the "person of interest." we know they have raided several homes. host: that person of interest is nacional. ---n
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ational. charged. has not been does a phenomenal wasoklahoma city bombing solved within 48 hours. of bombings --98%. out.tails have been given fbi press conference will be held in boston. guest: i do not believe they will give out any details. i would be surprised if they culprit andund the he has been charged."
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they are checked not every possibility. that theyto ensure are doing everything they can. host: this is an fbi official speaking now. assistance from the public remains critical in establishing a timeline of events. we commend the citizens of boston and of the commonwealth of massachusetts for the information that has been provided to law enforcement so far. the volume of tips we have received. we have received voluminous tips
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18 hours since the incident. contactourage people to the hot line with additional tips. working as we speak processing evidence at the crime scene. the fbi is following up on a variety of leads. will be interviewing your neighbor or yourself in coming days. we encourage you to cooperate. swift action that we hope will yield swift results. through and process all evidence.
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thank you very much. abouttalk a little bit the resources the agency is dedicating to this. fbi agents? guest: they had several hundred in boston. more are coming in from around the country. there are bomb technicians coming in to do it bomb signature analysis. .hese guys are a specialists host: you spoke about the found ofpage that you the person of interest who is not been charged with anything yet. what did you find? guest: he is 20 years old.
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he is lots of pictures of wild family members. he is one picture celebrating the muslim brotherhood massacre. other slide show anti-american animus. we did not get inside his personal -- i am sure the fbi did. it does not mean he carried it out. there willhink pursue his friends? mike, thank you for waiting. caller: you did a great job explaining how the fbi has done a great job interdicting since 9/11.
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recent appeals were not objected to maintaining it was workplace violence but that it would be unkind to the defendant to do this. said, do you media agree that is terrorism. are 100% this is a scandal. the departmento of justice or the judge advocate general. in the terminology of the u.s. army, the definition of terrorism is an outmoded definition.
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it means two or more people. that is no longer relevant when you have lone wolves. the e-mails were not encouraging at all. nidal hasan was thought to be a plant. known. not there was the safety deposit box held by nidal hasan. they waited so long in terms of making a decision. that box was empty by nidal hasan's brother. there was a bank account that his brother came in and emptied. was wired to an account
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in the west bank that went to hamas. this will not come out in the trial. this should of been named terrorism. i believe a political decision was made not to name it terrorism because they did not want to inflame the passions of muslim americans. host: mike in new york. caller: good morning. when wenew york city, the marathons', we have authorities out hours before the event and they have the canines going out looking for plants like this case somebody attempts to try something.
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i was wondering if anybody did that in boston? did anybody check for bombs with the dogs? i was wondering. i heard senator mccain say that torture does not work. said when he was tortured in vietnam that he was ashamed of all the stuff he gave up to the enemy. he felt bad about doing that. points.u got your u.s. law enforcement agencies have focused on new 60% of all attacks since
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9/11 have focused on new york and the major american cities. i do not know the answer your question about bomb-sniffing dogs. there will be more in the future. torture.talked about guest: i was just in israel. i asked interrogators about torture. the supreme court ruled aggressive shaking is allowed. they admitted that torture does work. if you have a ticking time bomb, tortureple do support in public opinion polls.
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if you ask it a different way, people will say no. i think it is generic. .t works on everybody what would have happened if we did not use torture? host: dave in pennsylvania. caller: hi. good morning. andnt to make a clear comment. we need to start being more vigilant about our surroundings . there is only so much encompasses we can put on our elected officials. there is only so many resources that they have.
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we have got to accept the fact forward lives moving are potentially filled with terrorism. we have to start living a new normal. 100%. i think you are if you see something, say something. if you see say, someone. thell reported someone to police and got death threats. people on the minnesota plane got sued. the islamic groups have made it difficult for the americans to be vigilant.
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they claim it is racism. just pointing out somebody who is a member of the muslim brotherhood is racism. "jihad ind a film, america." festival awards. it is and expose. and you caneption, buy it on amazon. criticism anybody who criticizes -- .t does not condone terrorism there is a political correctness that has been endo


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